Senin, 16 Juli 2018

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Foot - Wikipedia

The foot (plural feet ) is an anatomical structure found in many vertebrates. This is the terminal part of the branch that bears the weight and allows the motion. In many animals with legs, the legs are separate organs in the terminal leg part consisting of one or more segments or bones, generally including claws or nails.

Video Foot


The word "foot", in the sense of the meaning of "the terminal portion of the vertebrate animal's legs" comes from "Old English foot", "from Proto-Germanic * fot (also from Old Frisian fot Old Saxon fot Old Danish fod, Swedish photographer, Dutch voet, fuoz German Old Tall, German FuÃÆ'Ÿ, Gothic fotus "foot"), from PIE root * ped- "feet." The "[p] lural foot shape is an example of the-mutation. "

Maps Foot


The human foot is a strong and complex mechanical structure containing 26 bones, 33 joints (20 of which are actively articulated), and over a hundred muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The foot joints are the ankle and subtalar joints and the interphalangeal foot articulation. An anthropometric study of 1197 adult Caucasian North American men (mean age 35.5 years) found that the length of a man's legs was 26.3 cm with a standard deviation of 1.2 cm.

The legs can be divided into hindfoot, midfoot, and forelegs:

The hindfoot consists of a talus (or ankle bone) and a calcaneus (or heel bone). Two long bones of the lower leg, the tibia and the fibula, connect to the apex of the talus to form the ankle. Connected to the talus in the subtalar joint, calcaneus, the largest bone of the legs, padded beneath the fat layer.

Five irregular bones of midfoot , cube-shaped, navicular, and three cuneiform bones, forming a foot arch that serves as shock absorber. The central foot is connected to the back and front by the muscles and plantar fascia.

front leg consists of five toes and five corresponding proximal long bones forming metatarsus. Similar to the fingers, the toe bones are called phalanges and the big toe has two phalanxes while the other four toes have three phalanges each. The joints between the phalanges are called interphalangeal and between the metatarsus and phalang are called metatarsophalangeal (MTP).

Both midfoot and forefoot are dorsum (area facing up while standing) and planum (area facing downwards standing).

The dorsal is the curved part of the upper leg between the toes and the ankles.


  • tibia, fibula
  • tarsus (7): talus, calcaneus, cuneiformes (3), cube-shaped, and navicular
  • metatarsus (5): first, second, third, fourth and fifth metatarsal bones
  • phalanges (14)

There are many sesamoid bones near the metatarsophalangeal joints, although they are only regularly present in the distal portion of the first metatarsal bone.


The human foot has two longitudinal arches and a transverse arch that is maintained by the shape of the interlocked leg bones, powerful ligaments, and interesting muscles during activity. The thin mobility of this curvature when weight is applied and removed from the foot makes walking and walking more economical in terms of energy. As can be examined in the footprint, the arch arch extends medial above the ground. This arch extends from the heel bone above the "keystone" wrist bone to the three medial metatarsals. In contrast, the lateral longitudinal arch is very low. With the cube serving as a keystone, it redistributes part of the weight to the calcaneus and the distal end of the fifth metatarsal. Two longitudinal arches serve as a pillar for the transverse arch that runs obliquely along the tarsometatarsal joint. Excessive stress on the tendons and ligaments of the foot can cause fallen arches or flat soles.


The muscles acting on the feet can be classified into extrinsic muscles, derived from the anterior or posterior aspects of the lower limbs, and intrinsic muscles, derived from the dorsal (top) or plantar (foot) part of the foot.


All the muscles that come from the lower legs except the poplite muscles are attached to the bones of the foot. The tibia and the fibula and the interosseous membrane separate these muscles into anterior and posterior groups, in turn divided into subgroups and layers.

Grup anterior

extensor group : anterior tibialis originates from the proximal portion of the tibia and interosseous membrane and is inserted near the tarsometatarsal joint of the first digit. In the non-weight-bearing foot, the anterior tibialis flexs the dorsal legs and medial rim lift (supination). In the weight-bearing legs carry the foot to the back of the foot, like walking fast. The digitorum longus extensor appears in the lateral tibial condyle and along the fibula to be inserted in the second to fifth digit and proximal to the fifth metatarsal. Longgens digitorum longus acts similar to anterior tibialis except that it also dorsiflexes digits. The extensor of the longus smoothus is medial in the fibula and is inserted in the first digit. As the name suggests dorsoflexes the big toe and also acts on the ankle in the legs without pressure. In the weight-bearing leg it acts similar to the anterior tibialis.

Peroneal group : longus peroneus appears on the proximal aspect of the fibula and the peroneus brevis underneath on the same bone. Together, their tendons pass behind the lateral malleolus. Distally, the peroneus longus crosses the plantar side of the foot to achieve insertion at the first tarsometatarsal joint, while the peroneus brevis reaches the fifth part of the metatarsal proximal. These two muscles are the strongest pronator and help in plantar flexion. Longus also acts like a bowstring that holds the arch across the foot.

Kelompok Posterior

The superficial layer of the posterior foot muscle is formed by the triceps surae and plantaris. Triceps surae consists of a soleus and two gastrocnemius heads. The gastrocnemius head arises in the femur, proximal to the condyle, and the soleus appears in the proximal dorsal portion of the tibia and fibula. These tendons of the muscles combine to be incorporated into the calcaneus as an Achilles tendon. Plantaris originates from the proximal femur to the lateral gastrocnemius head and the long tendon is implanted medally into the Achilles tendon. Triceps surae is the main plantar flexor and its strength becomes most evident during ballet dancing. It is fully activated only with the knee extended because the gastrocnemius is shortened during flexed knee. During walking not only lift the heel, but also flex the knee, assisted by plantaris.

The posterior tibial layer of the posterior tibialis muscle appears proximally on the back of the interosseous membrane and adjacent bone and is divided into two parts on the sole of the foot to attach to the tarsus. In unweighted legs, it produces plantar flexion and supination, and, in the weight-bearing leg, he estimates the heel to the calf. flexor hallucis longus appears on the back of the fibula (ie on the lateral side), and the relatively thick abdominal muscle extends distally to the flexor retinaculum where it passes to the medial side to stretch across the sole to the distal phalanx of the first digit. Popliteus is also part of this group, but, with a sloping direction behind the knee, does not act on the foot.


On the backs (above) of the feet , extensor digitorum brevis tendons and extensor hallucis brevis lie deep into the extrinsic extensor tendon system in length. They both appear on the calcaneus and extend into dorsal aponeurosis from the numbers one through four, just beyond the second joint from the back. They act to create dorsiflex digits.

Similar to the intrinsic muscles of the hands, there are three muscle groups in the foot, the first and last digits, and the central group:

muscle of the big toe : the abductor hallucinates medial along the single border, from the calcaneus to the first digit. Below his tendon, the tendon of the long flexor passes through the tarsal canal. These are weak kidnappers and flexors, and also help keep the arch of the foot. hallucis brevis flexor appears on the medial bone and the corresponding ligaments and tendons. An important flexor plantar, very important for ballet dancing. These two muscles are inserted with two heads proximal and distal to the first metatarsophalangeal joint. The hallucis adductor is part of this group, although initially forming a separate system (see contrahens.) It has two heads, oblique heads that are derived in the midfoot midfoot, and transverse heads that originate near the metatarsophalangeal joints of the number five three. Both heads are inserted into the lateral sesamoid bone of the first digit. The hallucis adductor acts as a plantar curvature tensor and also a big toe adducts and then possibly plantar flexs the proximal phalanx.

The muscles of the little finger : The lateral stretching of the calcaneus to the proximal phalanx of the fifth digit, the digite minimis kidnapper forms the lateral margin of the foot and is the largest of the fifth digits of the muscles. Arising from the base of the fifth metatarsal, the flexor digiti minimis is inserted together with the abductor in the first phalanx. Often absent, the opponent of the digi minimi originates near the cuboid bone and is inserted in the fifth metatarsal bone. These three muscles serve to support the arch of the foot and embed the toes flexing the fifth digit.

The central muscle group : The four lumbricals appear on the medial side of the flexor digitorum longus tendon and are inserted at the medial margins of the proximal phalanx. Quadratus plantae originates with two slips of the lateral and medial margins of the calcaneus and inserts into the lateral margin of the flexor digitorum tendon. It is also known as flexor accessorius. Flexor digitorum brevis appears inferiorly on the calcaneus and its three tendons are inserted into the middle phalanges from two to four (sometimes even the fifth digit). This tendon divides before insertion and flexor digitorum longus tendon passes through this split. Flexor digitorum brevis flexs the middle phalang. Sometimes it does not exist. Between the toes, the back stretches and the interosseal plantar from the metatarsal to the proximal phallah of the digits two to five. The plantar interossei adducts and dorsal interossei kidnap these numbers as well as plantar flexors in metatarsophalangeal joints.


Clinical interests

Because of their position and function, the feet are exposed to various potential infections and injuries, including athlete's foot, bunion, deep-growing toe, Morton's neuroma, plantar fasciitis, plantar warts and stress fractures. In addition, there are some genetic disorders that can affect the shape and function of the feet, including feet or feet flat.

This makes people more vulnerable to medical problems caused by bad legs and paraly feet. In addition, the use of shoes, sneakers, and boots can hamper proper alignment and movement in the ankles and feet. For example, high heels are known to remove natural weight balance (this can also affect the lower back). For the sake of posture, flat soles without heels are suggested.

A doctor who specializes in podiatry foot practice and called podiatris. Traders specialized in the use and modification of footwear to treat problems related to the lower limbs.

Foot fractures include:

  • Fracture lisfranc - where one or all of the metatarsals are displaced from the tarsus
  • Jones fractures - the fifth metatarsal fracture
  • Fracture of March - a distal third fracture of one of the metatarsal occurring due to recurrent stress
  • Calcaneal fracture

Sweaty feet are the main cause of foot odor. Sweat itself does not smell, but creates a favorable environment for certain bacteria to grow and produce bad substances.

Partial Foot - The Anaplastology Clinic is an international leader ...


In anatomy, pronation is a rotational motion of the forearm (at the radioulnar joint) or leg (at the subtalar and talocalcaneonavicular joints). Foot pronation refers to how the body distributes weight due to the cycle through gait. During cycle the walking force can be pronated in various ways based on the rearfoot function and the forefoot. Pronation types include neutral pronation, underpronation, and overpronation.

Neutral pronunciation

An individual who is neutral pronation initially attacks the ground on the lateral side of the heel. When individuals move weight from heel to metatarsus, the legs will roll toward the medial, so the weight is distributed evenly throughout the metatarsus. At this stage of the gait, the knee is generally but not always, tracking directly over hallux.

Movement rolling inward as feet move from heel to toe is the way the body absorbs shock naturally. Neutral pronation is the most ideal and efficient walking force when using heel blow style; in a front foot strike, the body absorbs shock through leg flexion.


As with neutral pronators, an individual who overpronates initially attacks the ground on the lateral side of the heel. As individuals transfer weight from heel to metatarsus, however, the legs will roll too far in the medial direction, so the weight is distributed unevenly in the metatarsus, with excessive weight borne on hallux. At this stage of gait, the knee will generally, but not always, trace in.

Overpronators do not absorb surprises efficiently. Imagine someone jumping to the diving board, but the board is so thin that when struck, it curves and allows the person to jump directly into the water instead of returning to the air. Similarly, the overpronator curve will collapse, or the ankle will roll in (or a combination of both) as they rotate through the gait. A person whose bone structure involves external rotation in the hips, knees, or ankles would be more likely to overpronate than whose bone structure has internal rotation or central alignment. An overpronated individual tends to wear their running shoes on the medial side (in) shoes toward the toe area.

When choosing running or running shoes, someone with overpronation can choose shoes that have good inner support - usually with a strong inner material and a shoe arch. Usually seen. The inner support area is characterized by a strong gray material to support the weight when a person lands on the outside foot and then rolls onto the inner legs.


Someone who underpronates also initially attacks the ground on the lateral side of the heel. When individuals move weight from heel to metatarsus, the legs will not roll far enough toward the medial. Weight is distributed unevenly in metatarsus, with excess weight borne on the fifth metatarsal, leading to the lateral side of the foot. At this gait stage, the knee will generally, but not always, trace the lateral hallux.

Like overpronators, underpronators do not absorb surprises efficiently - but for the opposite reason. Unwaddled legs like jump boards that, instead of failing to get someone to fall into the air because they are too fragile, fail to do so because they are too stiff. Hardly anyone gives. The underpowering arches or ankles do not experience much movement as they rotate through the gait. A person whose bone structure involves internal rotation in the hips, knees, or ankles would be more likely to underpronate than those whose bone structure has external rotation or central alignment. Usually - but not always - those with bow feet tend not to keep up. An underpronated individual tends to wear their running shoes on the lateral (outer) side of the shoe toward the back of the shoe in the heel area.

Pain in the Ball of the Foot - Foot&Ankle

Society and culture

Humans usually wear such shoes or footwear for protection from harm when walking outside. There are a number of contexts where it is considered inappropriate to wear shoes. Some people consider it rude to wear shoes into the house and M? Ori Marae can only enter with bare feet.

Foot Fetishism is the most common form of sexual fetish.

The meaning and symbolism of the word - «Foot»

Other animals

Claws are soft mammal legs, generally four-legged, that have nails or nails (for example, cat or dog legs). Hard legs are called nails. Depending on the driving force, animals can be classified as plantigrade (sole walking), digitigrade (toe walking), or unguligrade (nail walking).

Metatarsal is the bone that forms the main part of the foot in humans, and the part of the foot in large animals or claws in smaller animals. The number of metatarsals is directly related to the drive modes with many larger animals having their digits reduced to two (deer, cow, sheep) or one (horse). The metatarsal bones of the feet and claws are grouped strictly compared to, in particular, the human hand where the metacarpal thumb diverges from the rest of metacarpus.

Travelling on Foot with Condor Ferries (foot passengers)

Use of metaphor and culture

The word "foot" is used to refer to "... the linear measure is in Old English (its length must vary from time to time), it is regarded as the length of a man's legs, a unit of measure used widely and in ancient terms. , the plural often legs, inches and legs currently implied by measurements in 12c. "The word" foot "also has a musical meaning; "... serrated foot (Old English is late, translating Latin pes, Greek pous in the same sense) is usually considered to represent one hike and one fall of a leg: keeping time according to some, dancing according to others."

The word "foot" is used in Central English which means "someone" (about 1200). The phrase "... to put your best leg first was recorded in 1849 (Shakespeare had a better leg before, 1596)". The expression for "... putting one's feet in the mouth (a person)" said something stupid "was first used in 1942. The phrase" putting one's feet on something "meant" making a mess "was used in 1823.

The word "footloose" was first used in the 1690s, meaning "free to move the feet, unshackled"; "figurative sense" is freer to act as pleasant "was first used in 1873. Like" footloose "," flat-footed "initially had a clear literal meaning (in 1600 it meant" with flat feet ") but in 1912 it meant "not ready" (US baseball slang).

Arch of Foot Pain - Foot&Ankle

See also

Woman foot stock photo. Image of finger, long, barefoot - 42689904



  • French, Diane L. (2008). Identification of Human and Non-Human Bones: A Color Atlas . Press CRC. ISBN: 1-4200-6286-7.
  • Marieb, Elaine Nicpon; Hoehn, Katja (2007). Human anatomy & amp; physiology . Pearson Education. ISBNÃ, 0-321-37294-8.
  • Platzer, Werner (2004). Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Vol. 1: Locomotor System (5th ed.). Thieme. ISBN: 3-13-533305-1.
  • "Anatomy of feet and ankles". Podiatry Channel. Archived from the original on August 31, 2009 . Retrieved August 21, 2009 .

Top of Foot Pain - Foot&Ankle

External links

  • Legs in Curlie (based on DMOZ)

Source of the article : Wikipedia
