Selasa, 10 Juli 2018

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2012 Oklahoma D-Day Paintball Scenario - YouTube

Paintball scenario is a type of paintball game where players participate in scenarios, or stories; and may include a re-show of history, futuristic game simulation or video. Matches tend to take place in hours or days, and may include a large group of players. The biggest paintball game scenario is the Skirmish Invasion of Normandy (ION) scenario & amp; Oklahoma D-DAY, both of which attract more than 4,000 players each year.

Scenario games are almost always driven by goals in terms of assessment. Each team must complete a series of missions to score points. It may be a simple "catch flag on this location" mission to outline missions involving props, multiple locations, non-interactive player characters and more.

To further improve game themes, field locations can be named for important story locations, and various props are added to the game. It may be the object that players collect for points, or even vehicles that participate in combat, such as paintball tanks. Players can wear special costumes for the theme, such as a historic military uniform or other costume.

Scenario events are usually planned long before, either by "producer" events or fields, and by the players themselves. Players can form a network of players and large and lasting teams that play together year after year in certain scenarios. These organizations help plan the game strategy and lead their group in the field and offer an organizational level beyond the basic two-sided team games.

Like all paintball forms, paintball scenarios have excellent per-capita security records. Due to longer playing time, heat-related injuries are one of the more common injuries in paintball scenarios. Many players often carry 1 - to 3 liter water bags, allowing players to drink water without removing their safety masks, to combat heat and dehydration.

Video Scenario paintball


The paintball scenario game allows paintball players (who may be divided into teams) to participate in scenarios, or stories; which may include a historical re-enactment, or a fictitious simulation. Due to the addition of the story line to the game, and the larger contingent of players, the game scenario tends to run for several hours or even days. Due to the potential size and length of the match, players marked by paintballs, and therefore eliminated, may be able to return to the playing field after a specified time. The scenario itself can be punctuated by smaller rounds, where teams may need to complete simple goals such as holding locations while other teams attack.

Design scenario

The paintball scenario will often have pre-planning by the director or producer and incorporate themes - with popular simulations that may be taken from action films, military events, science fiction, historical events, or television shows. Games are generally designed for one-day play, run during eight to twelve hours during the day, or 24-hour play, lasting longer and more complicated. The whole game itself can be one game continuously, or divided into small battles and missions; with scores for individual matches contributing to the overall score.

Player role

Many game scenarios add a special role to the paintball game. Some are strictly for the storyline, describing the player as part of the group he describes. A player may almost all fit the storyline, like a rebel, an angry villager, a scientist or more. These roles have no effect on how players play.

Some roles have special game abilities that help their team. For example, a player can be a destructive, medical, pilot, or spy expert. This role offers the player the opportunity to perform additional tasks over the shooting of opposing players. For example, a medical player may be able to "heal" a number of teammates who have been hit by paintball, returning him to a much faster action.

When a player starts his game in some game takes out an identity card. Some cards also show the role of players in the scenario. Often, players enter a pure screenplay for this role-playing aspect. Players are not required to play a role in the game, but those who accept roles can be assigned with a specific goal to achieve in the game.

An important aspect of the role-playing scenario game is that when the mission wins the game, role players develop information about missions that earn more points.

This role playing aspect extends from the field as well, and it is common for players to "in character" both on and off the pitch during the duration of the game. Role-players often negotiate with other teams for props and information, and even try to make opposing players disabled. For role players, events can start before the game as they talk to other BBS/internet forum players, do character research, make phone calls between teams, and assemble costumes. This pre-match activity can begin several weeks or months before the first paintball launches.


Fields are usually much larger than a standard paintball field and can even have a combined total of many paintball fields. Fields can range from small 3 vs. 3 square, up to several acres, up to more than 100 acres (0.40 km 2 ). The general field of the whole place with each field begins to be used simultaneously and the band outside the boundaries is strung around. These include fast ball fields, castles, wooded areas, urban environments, and more.


In most scenarios, props are combined to enhance fun aspects of play and role play. Usually these props are small, simple in making and design, clearly identifiable, and serve a specific purpose. The conventional example is a small wooden box, labeled "EXPLOSION", or counterfeit money used as a currency between the various sides during a match.

The props almost always have special rules written about them by the screenplay producers. For example, rules relating to the above mentioned explosive box may specify that only certain role players (such as destruction, engineers, etc.) of the game can handle or operate the prop, and that if taken to the enemy's base the prop may be used to "blow up "their base thereby eliminating any players in it.

Some props are randomly littered on the ground for players finding, handing over to their bases, and getting their side points. Often the screenplay producer will write missions for each side to retrieve or defend certain props from specific places in the field. For example, in EMR's Castle Conquest XXI big game, in which 200 defenders defended the three-story castle against over 800 attackers, the removal of four (out of ten) props from the castle produced a victory for the attackers.


Not all, but many scenario players prefer military simulations, or the "Mil-Sim" style gear, selecting equipment that emulates real military equipment in form and function. It is not uncommon to see elaborate costumes, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, radio, electronic ticks, and other props made especially for games.

The Mil-Sim mark is not the only marker used. Standard paintball markers are often used, although some brightly colored models make it harder to stay hidden while using them.

Since players are in the field for hours, they are generally more packed than in ordinary wooden ball games. Players can carry a large number of items, including maps, ID Cards, smoke and paint grenades, night vision systems, radios, and water. The mimic vests imposed by law enforcement and military personnel can be used. Because scenarios tend to be played in forests or in forest and building mixtures, camouflage shirts and trousers are often worn.


The Paintball scenario game may include a Armored Tank that must interact with the player.

Motorized Tanks, (Heavy Armor), have special rules that vary from field to field. The general rule is that players are not allowed within 10 feet (3.0 m) of the moving tank. Tanks are always limited to 5 mph (8.0 km/h). Tanks can be built from golf carts, ATVs, 6x6 or even utility vehicles that have been converted into automated tanks that are usually quite large. Some people even make tank scales from scratch.


There are many paintball team scenarios that attend events around the world. Teams may be informal, play for recreation scenario games, or maybe more competitive. The style of play and the type of player varies greatly, as the speed of the game scenario offers opportunities for various athletic levels to participate.

Maps Scenario paintball

Main Event

  • Skirmish Paintball is in the host game in England all year round in 27 places across the UK.
  • The DFW Adventure Park in Roanoke, Texas hosts four main games each year at 250 acres (1.0 km 2 ).
  • Operation: Market Garden became the largest in Texas with about 500 players per year.
  • Biggame Germany: Big szenario game in Mahlwinkel Germany. 1,500 players 2 times a year (June and September)

Living Legends 6 Video by HK Army w/ Cameo by FPSRussia - Social ...

See also

  • Speedball
  • Exchange class paintball
  • Paintball marker
  • paintball gun

2016 Skirmish: Stalingrad XI | Scenario Paintball - YouTube


Source of the article : Wikipedia
