Cap top hat , forage , barrack cap or cap combination is a head shape worn by armed forces from many countries , as well as many uniformed civil organizations such as law enforcement agencies and firefighting departments. It comes from its short visor (American English, known as the top in English English), which has historically been made of polished leather but is increasingly made of synthetic substitutes.
The other major components are crowns, bands and badges, usually badges of hats and embroidery in proportion to the ratings. Piping is also commonly found, usually in contrast to the color of the crown, which is usually white for navy blue, blue for air force and green for soldiers. These bands are usually dark in color, contrasting colors, often black, but may be patterned or striped.
In the British Army, every regiment and corps has different badges. In the United States Armed Forces, the device caps uniformly across all branches of the service, although different variants are used by different ranking classes.
Video Peaked cap
The topped hat originated in the early 19th century North Europe, usually worn by working-class people. In the later years of the Napoleonic Wars, he began to appear in the ranks of senior Russian and Prussian soldiers, popular for their lightweight comfort and weight, compared to the elaborate horses and shakos that were standard tasks. During the Biedermeier period (1815-48), they became a universal outfit for German and Austrian civil men of all classes, and for the whole of the 19th century, they were popular with working-class throughout Northern Europe, although in England flat-top hats favored by civilians towards the end of this century.
In 1846, the United States Army adopted a peaked hat during the Mexican-American war because of the incompatibility of shako in Mexico's hot climate. In 1856, the top hat was adopted by small British Royal Navy officers, mimicking the headdress of clothing worn by officers since 1827. The British Army adopted a peak hat in 1902 for a new khaki field suit and (in colored form ) as part of the outfit "walk out" or not in charge of other rank. The dark blue version was worn with blues outfits by all ranks of the US Army between 1902 and 1917.
During the twentieth century, combinations or hats culminated became common in the army, navy, air force, and police forces of the world, who were wiped out in battle by ordinary soldiers for the sake of more practical headdresses.
Maps Peaked cap
Throughout the 19th century, Austro-Hungarian soldiers were expelled with shakos, originally in blacks and then in pike gray wool. Gradually, shako's height decreased and cardboard was rigidly lifted until, in 1908, it evolved into a ski cap. It was worn by Austrian and army officers during the World War, but when the postwar Austrian Bundesher was founded in 1955, a tattered oblong cap and an American-style uniform was introduced.
This hat was used in the early stages of the First World War as the main headgear, but the increase in head injuries led to their replacement with Brodie's helmet as the main combat head protection.
Canadian Team
In the Canadian Forces, topped hat (French:
In the naval cap, the top and chinstrap of the service hat is always black. Black hat band with the exception of navy military police, who wore a red hat band, and a member of the Canadian Special Operations Troop Force, who wore a brown hat band.
On both naval and army caps, chinstrap is attached to the lid via two small buttons, each around the ear; these buttons are miniature versions of the buttons on the service clothing tunic, and thus have an RCN or regimental device.
The top hat of the non-commissioning member and subordinate officers were left plain, and the officer's hat was decorated with one or more band braids (depending on the rank) on the front edge of the peak. The top of the junior officer hat had a gold ribbon along the front edge, that senior officer had a row of gold oak leaves along the front edge, while the flag officer had two rows of gold oak leaves, one along the front edge and another near the hat band. The same oak leaves were worn by the Canadian Governor-General as Supreme Commander of the Canadian Forces.
The cap service is theoretically unisex, although there is a service cap (French: chapeau de service ) for women. The service hat does not have the top of the crown and has a rigid edges around it. The front of the brim is formed into a visor and the sides and back are folded upward.
Other organizations
The Canadian Coast Guard shares the same hat and color as the Royal Canadian Navy.
Police forces in Canada are also wearing a peaked cap. Basic black hat with good color cap band from red (city power), blue (Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)) or yellow (Royal Canadian Mounted Police). Hat culminated from SÃÆ' Â »retÃÆ' Â © du QuÃÆ' Â © bec is green with green band and yellow piping.
Until recently the OPP frontline officer wore a black campaign hat, but has since returned to the top hat. The RCMP only uses Campaign hats for uniformed official outfits or by Ride Music members.
In Denmark, the use of topped hats has seen a gradual decline from official uniforms, but is still used in ceremonial uniforms of the Army General's corps, Air Force officers, Navy officers, police and firemen.
The topped hat was first issued to German Landwehr forces during the Napoleonic Wars, as it was cheaper and easier to maintain than the heavy leather shakos and the elaborate tailco worn by British, French and Russian soldiers. The Prussian army was also the first to adopt a skirt coat, so the officers would not mess their clothes uniform for the campaign.
When Pickelhaube was introduced during the 1840s, enlisted German troops were issued with a pea hat without a peak that resembled a sailor's hat. However, the officers continued to wear topped caps, or Schiffer, to separate themselves from the French, who were wearing the keti. Initially, the German top hat had a uniform color, for example, Prussian blue, blue corn flower, green, etc., but before the First World War a gray field hat was issued, with color coded pipes for infantry, artillery or cavalry. This hat, known as "crusher", can be worn under Stahlhelm or put in a pocket or knapsak
In 1935, the Nazis introduced a new uniform designed for modern mechanical warfare. However, the basic design including peaked cap remains the same as in the Weimar Republic Reichsheer. But a new national symbol featuring eagles clutching swastika, and a black-and-white bundle in oak bouquets was introduced in a hat. Registered personnel and non-commissioned officers were issued with a peaked hat with a leather chincord. Officer received a hat with a metallic chincord. Both enlisted NCO-caps and Officer hats feature special colored piping around caps according to their service branch (White for infantry, pink for panzer and so on). The Gestapo and SS are issued in black SchirmmÃÆ'¼tzen showing the head of silver death. In the campaign, Wehrmacht officers often remove rigid wires so that the lid will resemble the older era of the First World War.
Modern German troops
After the Second World War, both the West German Bundeswehr and the East German National People's Army continued to be assigned a uniform derived from a pattern of World War II. East Germany caps bear Dickade Country DDR with Hammer and Compass designs, while West German caps have a strap in German national color, and a badge featuring a pair of cross swords. After reunification, the SchirmmÃÆ'¼tze is still part of the German army uniform.
Hong Kong
Hats peaked and topped hats worn as official attire by members of the Hong Kong Discipline Service (police, fire, customs, immigration, etc.) With influence from the British colonial service. All hats use black as the base color. The crown is flat and round. Women's police caps have colored ribbons, no crown tops and a flat front with folded sides/backs up.
Only members of the Hong Kong Police Tactical unit, the Emergency Unit, and a motorcycle officer who did not wear a hat peaked on duty.
Members of Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps, Hong Kong Adventure Corps and Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps (including Ceremonial Ceremonials) use a hat based in the UK.
People's Liberation Army member Hong Kong Garrison also wore a peaked cap, but the design was more influenced than the Soviet Union, and varied with that used in Hong Kong. However, since 2007, the PLA has begun to change to adapt the Type Uniform Type 07, the new uniform retains its topped hat but its style is more like a United States and Commonwealth top hat, not a Soviet-style hat.
Armed and uniformed services in Indonesia use this type of headgear during ceremonial services or active services as well. It is widely used by the Indonesian National Police, Indonesian Armed Forces and other uniformed services in the country.
In the Israeli Defense Forces, the combination cap is only used by:
- Air Force Officer;
- Naval officers dressed in ceremonial;
- Military Police soldiers in law enforcement duties;
- Military Band of Soldiers;
- Some of the major regiment sergeants from other service branches, in ceremonial attire.
Members of Macau's Public Security Police Force do not wear a peaked hat (beret or ball cap), but the Corpo de Bombeiros de Macau uniform suit uses the hat.
The rogatywka is a kind of peaked 4-peaked cap, associated with czapka and worn by members of the Polish Army.
Navy officers and air force personnel, however, wear conventional topped caps (the "British crown")
Russia is the first country to adopt a peaked cap. The official act of adopting a hat for military use was made by Alexander I of Russia in 1811. During the Napoleonic Wars, various early versions of the peaked cap were used in the Russian army. The Russian Empire left the cap for a short time in the second half of the 19th century for a forage hat similar to that used by Americans during their civil war, but the hat peaked right back. Early army top hats, in fact, without peaks, the nickname ?????????? ???? (army cap) for headgear; officers' caps had a peak from scratch and looked like a modern peaked cap. The topless version remains in the Russian navy under the name beskozyrka (literally "without peak") and still worn by Russian sailors. Also during the Empire period, a peaked cap was introduced as part of a uniform of government officials. Slaves and peasants adopted almost identical hats in their fashion after the Napoleonic Wars, known as cardz .
In 1914, flawless hats were removed everywhere in the Russian armed forces except for the Navy, and modern peaked caps were issued for all soldiers. However, after the October Revolution of 1917, it was replaced by a Red Army field uniform by budenovka, and then by a garrison hat. Dress uniforms, on the other hand, retain these headgear, and various paramilitary Soviet bodies such as NKVD or VOKhR continue to use them in all uniforms. Agents such as railroad workers, firefighters, pilots, mining supervisors, foresters, customs officers in the Soviet Union were also organized along military lines and wearing uniforms with peaked hats of various designs.
In the 1990s, Russia's peaked hat was redesigned and was widely issued to the armed forces and police. These form hats are most associated with Russians among foreigners, as they are large and tall. In 2012, after Sergey Shoygu was appointed Minister of Defense, the top hat design was changed again into a lower and more proportional style.
Soviet client country
During the Cold War, uniforms copied from the Russian pattern were issued to the armies of various Asian communist regimes, Eastern Europe and Africa. The most famous is the hat of greatness worn by North Korean military officers, unchanged since the 1950s.
United Kingdom
Royal Navy officers first issued their top hat during the 1820s to replace the ancient Napoleonic-era hat of bicorne and tricorne. (Note - Lord Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 had a peak or visor added to his bicorn.) Later in the Victorian era, a golden bundle was added to ensure the officers were instantly recognized by their subordinates. The senior officers had a bouquet of gold at their top, while the admiral had two wreaths. Before the Second World War, naval officers were given two hats: white for summer and blue for winter. However, senior officers assigned to the rank of captain prefer white hat to stand out from their subordinates.
British army officers wearing blue hats peaked as early as the Crimean War to distinguish themselves from enlisted men wearing medicine box hats. The peaked hat was widely used in campaigns during World War One and Second, until a more practical berets were popularized by generals like Bernard Montgomery. After the war, officers continued wearing khaki hats as part of the No. 2 clothing uniform, but in the 1990s it had been removed for the dark blue and red hat previously worn with the number 1 clothing uniform.
The first peaked hat was issued for enlisted in 1908 to replace the Glengarry hat and pill box caps from the Boer War era. The new hat is made of khaki wool and sometimes has a neck cover to protect against cold. Dubbed "gor blimey", this hat was associated with the First World War 'Tommy Atkins' and continued to be issued to members of the Home Guard and Territorial Army during the Second World War.
Royal Navy Officers, Order Officers, and Senior Tariffs today wear framed hats with white coverings and black ribbons in Nos 1, 2 and 3 Dresses; Originally used only in tropical climates, the white cover was adopted for all areas after the Second World War. The concierge has a choice of cotton or plastic cover.
Royal Marines
Royal Marines wore caps with white caps and red ribbons with 'Blues' uniforms. The Royal Marines Band Service also wore this hat with Lovato Uniform and Barrack Dress.
Most British Army regiments and corps wear a forage hats at Number 1 and 2 Dresses, the exceptions are:
- Royal Tank Regiment, Fusiliers Kingdom Regiment, Army Air Corps, Parachute Regiment, SAS, Intelligence Corps, and 4/73 Special RA OP Batteries wear berets;
- The personnel attached above also use the appropriate color beret (for example, REME Mechanics or RLC Chef mounted on the unit)
- The Scottish Regiments who wore the Glengarry regiment with chickens drawn from the previous Royal Scots ceremonial uniform.
- The Royal Irish Regiment with Caubeen;
- Gurkha Brigade wearing a rounded Kilmarnock hat in a No 1 dress and a Humped hat on No 2 Dress
- Queen Hussars Queen, whose officers wear a tent cap in No 2 Dress.
It has a band of caps that can be stained (red for all Royal Regiments and Corps), crowns (formerly khaki, now dark blue, except for the always-red Military Police, and Rifle Green Rifles) that may have the color of the pipe or the color of the regiment/corps and patent and chinstrap leather tops. Chinstrap is usually secured above and around the peak and secured at each end with small buttons (20 lines) of the corresponding regimen or corps pattern.
Officers in some regiments are also required to wear khaki version caps, often called "Service Dress Cap" with Service Dress (Dress No. 2 Officer) or Barrack Dress; This design dates back to the hat worn on the field until it was replaced by a steel helmet during the First World War.
All Royal Air Force ranks wear caps with blue-gray crowns and black ribbons, worn with corresponding badges in dress No. 1, and sometimes in other types as well. The peak is:
- Black and polished for pilots, non-commissioners (NCO) and warrant officers
- Gray gray fabric for officers of Commander Wing and below. The cadetsman wore a white ribbon instead of a black ribbon.
- Black and polished with gold rank bangs for Captain Group officers and above
United States
United States Marine Corps
In the United States Marine Corps, this hat is also worn, in two forms. For all ratings, devices are Eagle, Globe, and Anchor devices. In addition, officers wearing lace crosses at the top, called quatrefoils, mark the traditional distinction of the Marine Corps foundation allowing snipers aboard to identify friendly officers from the enemy. For a blue dress uniform, a white hat with a gold device for enlisted, while a gold and silver device for the clerk. Only black visors, and black chin straps for registered Marines; it's gold and red for the clerk. For service uniforms, there is an olive boring combination cap; black device, and black chin strap for all ratings. In both cases, field officers (majors, lieutenant colonels and colonels) had a golden oak leaf motif on the visor, similar to those worn by naval commanders and captains, while the officers hat had a different, larger oak leaf motif on the visor. Additionally the blue-clad Marine Commander's cap (as well as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff if also a Marine) added an additional oak leaf motif to the front of the band. In the Marine Corps, a combination hat is referred to as "barrack cover." Also referred to as a clothing hat or service cap in the Marine Corps.
In the United States Navy, the crew, the head of small officers, and the officers assigned to the combination cover, but there are differences between the three types. Midshipmen at the US Naval Academy, the US Naval Academy of Commerce or in the Navy Trainer Training unit (NROTC) wear a combination cap with gold straps attached with gold buttons, with golden anchored devices. A small head officer wears a combination hat with black chinstrap embedded with gold buttons, with a tool consisting of a gold-awning anchors with silver letters "USN" superimposed on the anchor axle, with the addition of one, two, or three stars above the anchor if the wearer is Senior Chief Petty Officer, Chief Chief Petty Officer, or Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, respectively; while an assigned officer wore a combination hat with gold straps attached with gold buttons, with the device of the emblem officer, a silver federal shield on two golden anchors, surpassed by a silver eagle. Chief petty officer and junior officer visors are glossy black plastic without ornaments. The O-5 officer (Commander) and above have gold embroidered oak leaves and grains on black-coated visors, with additional embroidery for the flag clerk (O-7, or lower-lower admiral, and above), called as "scrambled eggs." The crown comes in khaki or white (white combination hat worn with white and blue uniforms). Black bands around the lid including dark circles extend upward on the front of the crown as the base behind the device. The gold button on the side cover that tied the chin strap is a design to match the gold buttons on the jacket of service clothes and buttons on the officer's shoulder boards. For the fringed women's caps are folded on both sides while the male cap does not have the edges but the visor on the front.
United States Army
In the United States Army Specialist rank and below are not authorized to wear a combined & amp; should only wear berets with blue service uniforms. Combination hats for blue service and blue uniform uniforms from unpopulated officers (Corporal and above) have gold stripes on top of hat bands, black ribbon bands; the device is the United States emblem in front of the gold disc (the exception is the Army Major Sergeant whose device is a golden rendering of the US emblem surrounded by gold-colored wreaths). Versions for the company's warrant officers and corporate officers (second lieutenant, first lieutenant, & captain) have a service-branch color ribbon between two gold lines, and gold-colored chinstrap. O-4 and Above field field officers (major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel) have oaks that are known unofficially as "scrambled eggs" in the visor. The officer's hat is similar to a field class officer, but the hat band is dark blue and embroidered with a golden oak leaf motif. The warrant officer stamp device and all assigned hat cap devices are gold rendering of the United States emblem, larger than the army and have no gold disc support.
United States Air Force
In the United States Air Force, all personnel have the option of wearing a combination cap, but only the field class (major through colonel) and general officers are required to have one. Combination hats are issued at no cost to registered pilots assigned to certain ceremonial units and their details.
With the exception of registered airmen assigned to the Air Force Band and Air Force Base Guard, each with its distinctive stamp and other uniforms, the Air Force combination cap provides relief to the Great Seal of the United States supplied in silver metal. For enlisted members, the arms are surrounded by silver-colored metal circles. (The Air Force's Sergeant Chief has a wreath instead of a circle). The assigned officer is bigger and has no circle around.
This Chinstrap is secured to each side of the lid with silver metal buttons, screws, containing the latest and simplest version of the "Hap Arnold emblem" first designed by James T. Rawls for use by the predecessor of the Air Force, Air Force Air Force, 1942. In addition to screws, the buttons have the same design as those used to secure the coffin and uniform coat pouch.
The listed airman's chips and vmans are from plain blacks or polymeric materials. All assigned officer chinstraps are also made of plain blacks or polymeric materials. The patrons of the company class officers (second lieutenant via captain) are plain blacks or polymeric materials. The field field visor shield has two pairs of clouds and lightning, patterned after the oak leaf motif is used by another service. Hat general officials add an additional pair of clouds and bolts on the visor, while the United States Air Force Chief's cap adds clouds and bolts throughout the entire cap band. Clouds and bolts jokingly are called in military slang as "farts and arrows", just like other oak leaf motifs known as "scrambled eggs".
United States Air Force Air Force
During World War II, the hat "50 crush missions" was popular amongst the United States Air Force Air Force's crew. Bomber and fighter crews must wear headsets over their service caps during flight, so they will remove the staked wire from the lid. The headset will then smash the lid, which will ultimately sustain its crumbling appearance. Because it takes a lot of missions to get the right look, a cap called a "50-mission captain" is considered a sign of seasoned combat veteran. The current US Air Force regulations prohibit the use of such hats.
United States Coast Guard
The Coast Guard of the United States wore a combination hat, known as a combo cover, in uniforms of the Blue Apparel Service Office (SDBs), Tropical Blue Tropical uniforms, and with all other formal clothing. The cover is identical to that of the navy with respect to the chinstrap and the top ornaments. The crown is white. The buttons that hold the chin straps to the sides of the band are smaller versions of the buttons worn on the Coast Guard uniform mantle. The blue ribbon around the lid includes a blue cloth extending upward on the front of the crown to serve as a pedestal on the back of the device. In the case of enlisted personnel, this extension is a blue circle identical to that of the Navy officer's cap and the head of a small officer. But in the case of the assigned officer, the extension is a more complicated polygon to accommodate the officer's cap device.
Unlike their naval counterparts, the coast guard under the rank of senior police officer uses a combination of cover; Their hat device is a golden representation of the coast guard symbol. Device cap guard cap device suits the navy, albeit with a shield on the front of a dirty anchor; like a naval chief, their hat device is an enlarged renderings of the rank badges worn on their collars. The guardian hat cap device is a hawk with an outstretched wing, above an anchor held horizontally in his paw.
Public Service Corps Commission and Corps Commission NOAA
The Corps of Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Corps Agency were assigned - two small services, consisting only of officers, who were two uniformed services that were not armed forces - wearing uniforms and rank badges adopted from the Navy. The combination includes two services that are identical to the Navy with respect to color, and the top ornaments. Chinstrap PHS is gold with red wine line. The buttons that hold the chin straps to the sides of the band are smaller versions of the buttons worn on the service uniform coat. The NOAACC officer cap device is similar to a Navy officer with a ball on the shield; the PHSCC cap hatter device is similar to a Navy officer but has a caduceus in place of one anchor.
United States Maritime Services
While most American merchant voyages are employed by shipping businesses and accordingly wear the uniforms prescribed by their employers or civilian clothes, some officers receive a commission in the US Maritime Service for federal duties, such as the US Marines Merchant faculty. Military officers of the Academy and Military Sealift Command manned the unassigned US Naval Vessel. These officers wore uniforms and rank badges that were adopted from the US Navy, albeit with key designs, hats, awards and decorations of the United States Merchant Marine itself. This combination includes officers who are identical to naval officers with respect to color, chinstrap and top ornaments. The buttons that secure the chin straps to the sides of the band are smaller versions of the buttons worn on their coats. The USMS stamp device is rendering Merchant Marine devices in gold and silver metal. Like a device worn by naval officers, it features a silver eagle, with its outstretched wings, above a golden shield; the shield, however, was tampered with an anchor and surrounded by a bouquet of flowers.
Civil use
Public safety officers, such as those from police, firemen, ambulance services, and customs, often wear topped hats, especially on formal occasions. In the US, police use caps that have softer tops and are not round and rigid in shape (the ones famous for those used in New York and San Francisco). British and Australian police have plaid patterns on hat ribbons, and traffic jailers often have reflective yellow strips.
A number of civilian professions - the most famous modern example is the marine and civil aviation traders - also wearing a peaked cap. In such old traditional usage, only captains aboard and pilots in command (aircraft captains) serving on the plane, have a golden oak motif ("scrambled egg") on the visor; This is in contrast to the tradition of the navy, where it is also used by commanders (one rank below captain) as well as by commodores and flag officers.
The original civilian variant of the topped hat was widely worn by sailors and workers from the mid-19th century onwards. It is made of wool or canvas, and sometimes waterproof with tar. During the 1960s, Greek blue denim fishing caps became an essential accessory to the counter by its use by John Lennon of The Beatles. Black versions, sometimes decorated with chains or metal buttons, are worn by bikers, greasers mimicking Marlon Brando at The Wild One, and members of the Black Power movement of the 1970s.
Topped hats are also commonly worn around the globe by some trains, or airport staff (baggage luggage, but often wearing hat types), bus drivers and security guards.
"Close Crusher"
The typical peaked lid has a rigid spring, often in the form of a grommet wire frame, to ensure the sides and back of the fabric cover have the proper shape. The crusher lid eliminates stiffeners to allow headphones to be worn over hats or used in confined spaces such as tanks and submarines, giving it a crooked and outdated "crushed" appearance. Such modified hats are very popular among US Air Force fighter pilots and German tankers and submarine commanders in the Second World War.
External links
- Media related to the Top cover on Wikimedia Commons
Source of the article : Wikipedia