Cheer Squad is a Canadian reality television series that debuted on ABC Spark on July 6, 2016 and in the US on Freeform on August 22, 2016. This follows the Canadian Big Shark White cheer team as they work together on the road to the world championships. In 2018 there is only one season, without a clear plan to update the show.
- Ali Moffatt (head coach and co-owner)
- Alana Potter (team owner)
- Jenna Dodunski
- Ashleigh Dodunski
- Jordan Knox
- Danella Ulenbruck
- Ashley Preddy
- Anna Rivard
- Laura Ashley
- Sarah Schlotzhauer
- Brittany Silveira
- Alicia Jantzi
- Leah Smith
- Erin Kotlar
- Emily Vesterfelt
- Bethany Lewis
- Becca Webster
- Chelsea Matteson
- Christina Zara
- Lindsay MacKenzie
- Lora Jordan
- Mariah Vittoria Pimpao
- Megan McCrae
- Jennifer Power
- Lindsay Everson
- Blayney, Ashley Hoffer
- Kiana Horchover
- Haley DeBruyne
- Bailey Sprout
- Kieanna Kellar
Video Cheer Squad
external links
Cheer Squad di IMDb
Cheer Squad on Facebook
Maps Cheer Squad
Source of the article : Wikipedia